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Brand New Genuine Volkswagen Part
New Genuine Volkswagen Crafter 2.0 TDI 12>16 Engine Oil Filler Pipe 03L115310
Volkswagen Crafter – 2012>2016
2.0 TDI Engine oil filler pipe – CKTB,CKTC,CKUB,CKUC,CSLA,CSLB,CSLC,CSNA
Retailer RRP – 31.55
If you are in any doubt that this item fits your vehicle, please email us with your full vehicle registration number so that we can confirm that the item is suitable.
100% Genuine VAG ProductsItemspurchased & paid for after 15:30 on a Friday will be dispatched on Mondaymorning.Postage is UK onlyThanks for looking at our products; we look forwardto getting your positive feedback on how we processed your order from start tofinish.
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Category: Vehicle Parts and Accessories:Car Parts:Other Car Parts
Location: Newark